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PS 1.6 - CMS content on product column

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I try to add CMS content in product.tpl file. I create file:




with data:



 * Tools override class
class Tools extends ToolsCore{
    public static function getContent($id_cms){
              $sql = 'SELECT l.`id_lang`, c.`content`
                                FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cms_lang` AS c
                                LEFT JOIN  `'._DB_PREFIX_.'lang` AS l ON c.`id_lang` = l.`id_lang`
                                WHERE c.`id_cms` = '.(int)$id_cms.'
                                AND l.`active` = 1';
        $page = $DB::getInstance()->getRow($sql);
        return $page['content'];

In product.tpl I tried this:
<div id="delivery" class="rte" style="display:none">{Tools::getContent(1)}
Unfortunatly it doesn't work... Can you help me?
Best regards,
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In my opinion better way is to create custom field in Prestashop product back-office.


Example tutorial: nemops.com/prestashop-products-new-tabs-fields/


And then in override/controllers/front/ProductController.php write something like this:

public function initContent()

    $id_cms = $this->product->CUSTOM_FIELD_NAME;
    $cms = new CMS($id_cms, intval(Context::getContext()->language->id));
    if (Validate::isLoadedObject($cms))
       self::$smarty->assign('text_cms', $cms->content);

Where value of CUSTOM_FIELD_NAME is number of cms page.


And in product.tpl:

<div id="delivery" class="rte">

This is only my proposition...

Edited by MichałM (see edit history)
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Hi Michał,


Dziękuję bardzo :)


I modified my function and it works. I did in override/classes/Tools.php:


class Tools extends ToolsCore{
    public static function getContent($id_cms){
     $cms = new CMS($id_cms, intval(Context::getContext()->language->id));
     return $cms->content;

And in product.tpl:

<div id="delivery" class="rte" style="display:none">{Tools::getContent(1)}

and it works.


Thank you again :)


Best regards,


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