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[Solved] Make part of a smarty language text bold


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So having this:

{l s='Receive special offers from our partners!'}

suppose we want to make "special offers" bold (strong), how could I achieve this? They tell me it's good for SEO to emphasize important words.


Thanks for your time



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WAMP on windows 8

PS 1.6 (latest version)

The idea is like this pseudocode:

{l s='Receive <strong>special offers</strong> from our partners!'}
Edited by Guest (see edit history)
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Might be a little bit more helpful if you could give a url, screenshot or PS version etc




PS 1.6 on Windows 8 WAMP.


I'd like to do this

{l s='Receive <strong>special offers</strong> from our partners!'}




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Have you tried splitting the string in 3 parts and enclosing the middle part in strong tags?


I did already find that solution but others before me have stated that this isn't workable: it's tedious, error-prone, not user-friendly and I agree with them.

Buying a module for this would be the next and probably only option which makes me a bit sad.

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I understand that this solution is not elegant, as in possibly causing problems in translation (i.e. due to syntactical differences between languages where the sentence should be split in different parts).


But why "not very efficient"? The speed penalty for using two additional {l} Smarty tags should be negligible...

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But why "not very efficient"? The speed penalty for using two additional {l} Smarty tags should be negligible...


True, I think they mean efficient usage which is what you pointed out.

thx for your time

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