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contact us form help

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Sorry if this sounds like a repost. I've searched the forums and and haven't found what I'm looking for. What I would like to do is send the contact us info to a database table instead of email. has anyone done this or have an example of creating a form which posts to a table?

I'm also interested in any documentation on prestashop for creating modules etc.. any links greatly appreciated.

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OK I'm really struggling with this. I can create a table just fine, and a form for data entry. I'm missing the secret to adding form data to a table. I've seen examples of sending form data via email but cant make the leap to capturing the data to a table.

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Hello there,

I might be able to help - can you let me know where you get stuck? Are you saying your form doesn't write data to your table?

You probably have already checked these but just in case:

Does the table exist when you are attempting to write to it? For example has your installation function "public function install()" created the table? (I think it has by your description.) If you haven't got a working install routine yet. Can you make the table manually for now?

Can you post what you have in a zip file and explain what is failing and what it should do?

Basically you need your form to capture the fields and then pass them to a routine which will write them your your table.

Post what you have so far and I can see if I can help!



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