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Best caching Module [unbiased reviews only]

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I am sure many of the Prestashop users have noticed the slow speed on of the website, I am trying to get unbiased user reviews, and see which one are the best modules / services out there? As some of these modules are expensive, and it is hard for people to invest those amounts and find out later that it was not worth it.


Below is lists, that I have compiled, you are more than welcome provide anything that I missed.


Also, any specific service or settings that might help such as Cloudflare etc.

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For me, it's Page Cache Module for sure. With it I've been able to get a page loading time of only 1.83 seconds (measured with Pingdom Tools) using Prestashop


The critical points for me for choosing it:

- The developer is a great guy who's obsessed with websites performance

- The module receives constant upgrades and the license is lifetime

- The price is really good, considering that it doesn't have all the issues seen in cheaper cache modules

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For me, it's Page Cache Module for sure. With it I've been able to get a page loading time of only 1.83 seconds (measured with Pingdom Tools) using Prestashop


The critical points for me for choosing it:


- The developer is a great guy who's obsessed with websites performance

- The module receives constant upgrades and the license is lifetime

- The price is really good, considering that it doesn't have all the issues seen in cheaper cache modules


thanks for your feedback, have you used any other module?

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thanks for your feedback, have you used any other module?


Not from the list you propose. But as I mentioned before, when I was, like you, on my quest for the best cache module for prestashop, something that helped me deciding to go with Page Cache is that other cache modules can't even work properly with something as basic as the ajax cart, or certain modules (The ability to cache or not the content of a module).

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  • 6 months later...

My thoughts on these.


Cache Manager When I tried it, it was insanely expensive and did not work correctly, it actually seemed to slow the site down. This was a couple of years ago though.


Page Cache It works well, I tested it, there was an incompatibility with a site I was going to review it for, but it did a great job in the tests.


Express Cache I have used it several times and it is what I like. It is very simple and works. 


Site Cache I remember the person that makes it caused a bunch of drama in the forums with another mod, I don't shop at their store.

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  • 1 year later...

IMHO  there is 'no' best cache module.


People will spend 100's of hours dorking with cache when they could simply have upgraded and/or tuned their server.


Any module solution with 85 versions, those are 'not' enhancements as adverted by developer, but flat out bugs.


We fix clients performance issues all the time, all without resorting to 'tricks'.  


my three cents....

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