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Issue with "editorial" module in "2049" free template

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hi everybody,

I am trying to set up a prestashop website and have installed the "2049" theme.

i have uploaded the new editorial and it doesn't appear as a scroller, as if it wasn't working... can't get it to work.
moreover the menus and the general look & feel doesn't look anything like the one of the demo website :)

I have used the hooks stated, but there is one i can't find :

Product navigation(previous/next)block 0.1

www.exclusive-dreams.com does anyone have an idea to help me out with the issue ?

thanks a lot,

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follow slowly the installation steps, I had the same problem and I've solved it looking carefully to the installation steps.
My problem was with the header.tpl file edition.
In other order of things, I have the same problem with "Product navigation(previous/next)block 0.1.
Does anyone know where to get it?...
Hope anyone can help us with it, is the last step to get my customer shop working.
Thanks to everybody.

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