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is not a valid module name.

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Have 1.6.013 and today when I went to go into the back office modules I get a white page with "is not a valid module name."


Nothing has changed and I've checked the names of all the modules and the only strange one is:




Now I did try and put an "_" in front to disable and even deleted it, so it doesn't seem like that is a problem. Cleared cache and rebuilt templates each time.


The error does not identify the module that its suspects.


Is there a way to turn off the module name checking?


I can't see any problems with the front office.


In file manager, everything has the same date/time so that's not helpful......


Some advice would be most appreciated



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Read this post: compatibility issue

Modules developpers are complaining about these issues. I think they got the message so we will see if next releases are reliable  :huh2:



I upgraded to  but there some problems remains 


like top horizontal menù module,  that not display CMS pages in selection box.  (tried with 3 installations) nothing to do. 



PS:  DEV mode is false

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I try GOYO solution and now is working.

Thaks Goyo.

Why change _PS_MODE_DEV_ to false???????

I have and this problem starts today.

Hi esteruelas,
about your question, really I don't know. The reason I can suppose is because the customers will have a bad experience with your shop if you forget to return this value to false.
I can find other reason, I see you speak spanish: "ultimamente Prestashop está fallando más que una escopeta de feria!!!!"
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Hope it will help some of you :)


On 1.6.014 today when I went to the front office homepage I got a white page with "is not a valid module name."



To know more about this, I added in Hook class file (classes/Hook.php), in function exec, this spy line :


echo '<pre> hook';var_dump($hook_name);var_dump($array['module']);var_dump($array['id_module']);echo '</pre>';


just before the line :

if (!($moduleInstance = Module::getInstanceByName($array['module'])))



And in the file defines.inc.php, change the value of PS_MODE_DEV to true.


The last line after refreshing homepage was "blockcart".


--> I emptied the cart ... and it works like a charm know.


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  • 1 year later...

This is a terrible solution! This means you still have some errors in the system. Keep the developer_mode to true, then search in your project for the modules name from the exception. I am sure you will find it. Then look and deal with it, otherwise you won't see the exceptions afterwards and this can break your site without you noticing. Some forms might not work, some JS and so on. 

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