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SSL Security Error


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None of the images are hard coded in, and are showing up as HTTPS

The only other thing I see is a script for bookmarking the current page but with HTTP.

There are looks pointing to HTTP pages, but they are pages that SSL is not supposed to show up on anyways.

(Everything on my site is default except the template) Which leads me to believe that it is probably the template. Here is a copy of the source of the page errors are being throw at: assimilent.com/domain.php

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My page (at least looks wise) displays exactly the same in IE whether or not I allow the unsecured content.

Would this cause an error. It is from my header.tpl

{if isset($css_files)}
   {foreach from=$css_files key=css_uri item=media}
   <link href="{$css_uri}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="{$media}" />

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  • 1 year later...
My page (at least looks wise) displays exactly the same in IE whether or not I allow the unsecured content.

Would this cause an error. It is from my header.tpl
{if isset($css_files)}
   {foreach from=$css_files key=css_uri item=media}
   <link href="{$css_uri}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="{$media}" />

The CSS links are whats causing this issue for me. Does anyone know how to fix this please? Is there something like {$css_ssl_uri} or something?
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  • 1 month later...

I had same problem
Mine was caused by stat counter
They made it secure (stat counter) then it disappeared so itfrom an outside source.
Put a search in google for the outside source and ssl to get ideas how to fix
i searched
stat counter ssl error and found how to fix it
hope that helps

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

We believe that the only possible solution is temporary decryption of SSL traffic, scan it, then re-encrypted.

This method is now popular practice of different proxy server firewall. The latter is only decrypted (in other words, the "termination"), the use of virus scanning, and then forwarded to the end-users or Web applications. Such security measures can not be used in today's Web environment, because it will make end to end encryption requirement is invalid, and the browser will cause confusion.

SSL security agents, such as Webwasher like a "black box" the same action. SSL encrypted communications into and out of SSL-encrypted communications. No one can encrypt part or on the network sniffing it, which is entirely in memory processing. There are several programs can provide a single machine SSL decryption, the decrypted traffic to be forwarded to a scanner, this scanner returns to the SSL communications solutions, SSL program to its re-encryption. In addition, the typical case, you need to adjust the strategy, for example, to allow top management to perform online business without having to scan, but to communicate to any other person to be scanned. In most cases, this will require double the cost of management, but is much easier to achieve with Webwasher.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think you are getting error cause of any other problem i don't think that it is cause of it is insecure. try to scan it again and re-install it i think it may remove the errors. some times we get errors cause of any internal problems in coding or other.

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  • 1 month later...

Removing the wibiya Toolbar (module stickyfoot) solved my problem. Maybe you have any module installed that could cause the error. I found it with the use of firefoxes option called page info. Clicking on the Media tab, you can see every 'media' like pictures on the page with its links. So you can identify a http link where it has to be a https link.


good luck.



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