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themeconfigurator hook home images alignment

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I'm not familiar with that theme, so it's hard to help. I was able to fix your issue in Firebug by adding style="clear:left" to the fourth image.


It appears there's a module in that theme that adds <div class="htmlcontent_home"> and the code within it to the homepage. Find that module, edit it's TPL file and look for the {foreach} tag that displays those images. Make sure that tag has a name such as name="images", then add a line like the following inside the <li> tag:

{if $smarty.foreach.images.iteration % 3 == 1} style="clear: left"{/if}

If done correctly, this will cause style="clear:left" to be added to the first image of each row, which will cause them to line up properly.

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Thanks Rocky! That solution is right, now all images are aligned correctly.

The file to edit is /modules/themeconfigurator/views/templates/hook/hook.tpl

For me the right code (near row 34) is the next:

<li class="htmlcontent-item-{$smarty.foreach.items.iteration|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} col-xs-4" {if $smarty.foreach.items.iteration % 3 == 1} style="clear: left"{/if}>

my collection name is "items" (do not forget the double = for comparison in %3)


Thank you so much!

Edited by LucianoNapoli (see edit history)
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