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Translation doesn' work.

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The text is not on product-list.php is on blockwishlist module


Where did you change the translations


BackOffice -> Locations -> Translations ->





1) installed modules translation

2) your theme

3) your language

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The text is not on product-list.php is on blockwishlist module


Where did you change the translations


BackOffice -> Locations -> Translations ->





1) installed modules translation

2) your theme

3) your language


I don't wanna to change/create translations in BackOffice. 



{l s="Add to Wishlist" mod='blockwishlist'}


This line should work without my manual translation because it's just translated in blockwishlist module. The problem is, that "Add to Wishlist" is not being translated, I still see English instead of Polish.

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you dont want change the translation


but you need at least check if exist 


Go to the admin and check


if you dont have the translation text.  Without the text the translation is not going to work 


If I add:

{l s="Add to Wishlist"}

Presta tells me that one tralnslation for product-list is missing. But if I add:

{l s="Add to Wishlist" mod='blockwishlist'}

Then presta tells nothing (also in modules translations)

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1) {l s="Add to Wishlist"}  => You are create a new label for your theme you can put that in your language you can put  {l s="Any text any language you put"}  but the best is keeping on englsh and use to language in a translations


2) {l s="Add to Wishlist" mod='blockwishlist'}  => Look for module translations



You can fix only your language put the text as 1

but if you want keep multilanguage you must do it on backoffice  if you don want dont change text but look what your backofficee say you use in case Add to Wishlist

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Sorry, I don't understand what you are exactly trying to tell me. Tell me, why in this location:

www\themes\mytheme\modules\blockwishlist\blockwishlist_button.tpl line 28

following line:

{l s="Add to Wishlist" mod='blockwishlist'}

works. I mean "Add to Wishlist" is translated proper to "Dodaj do listy życzeń" ? But It doesn't work if I put this line into product-list.tpl ? I'm theme developer. I don't want to force users to manual translation of every stupid line of code. This should work because it works in blockwishlist_button.tpl.

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Because {l s="Add to Wishlist" mod='blockwishlist'} is in the module Prestashop look for the module translations



if you put {l s="Add to Wishlist" mod='blockwishlist'} direct on the product-list.php is not going to find the translations  

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Because {l s="Add to Wishlist" mod='blockwishlist'} is in the module Prestashop look for the module translations



if you put {l s="Add to Wishlist" mod='blockwishlist'} direct on the product-list.php is not going to find the translations  


Is there any way to call module translation from product-list ? What about hooks ?

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product-list.tpl has his own translation file. on Front Office


If you develop themes at some point going to need add text on your theme that is not on Prestashop. 



Maybe you can hook you wish buttom for the module but these is another thing

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