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Buy a theme for prestashop CLOUD is like to buy car with no chassis



Hi , I bought a theme for 150€ at prestashop marketplace because I don't want to spend time redesigning a new theme.  after installed I realise that it is a mix of the default template and the new theme buyed, and I can't upload the sample files (dump.sql) of the new theme because in cloud you can't acces to database (maybe if you pay another amount of euros..)

So now I have to spend a lot of time to redesing the theme again!!!!



Afterall ps cloud it's a really nice idea

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Did you cleaned the cache ? Each modification you make on design, you should cleane your browser cache and the smarty cache.


Browser cache: button F5

Smarty cache: back-office -> tab "advanced parameters" -> performance -> on the top clear cache.


There is no other way, that for each theme you use, you re-design the position of the modules. Tab modules -> positions.


Themes don't have SQL-files. You should received a gzip, which you can load up at modules -> modules -> theme installer.


Access to database is a paid service, not included on Prestashop Cloud free services.

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Thanks selectshop.at for your reply.

But some  themes have sql files ( I bougth mine new theme on presta addons and have one dump.sql file ) Here you can see one example how to install

The thing is when you start a new shop from 0 you install a theme, upload the  sql and you have the same website like the theme you bougth.

So then you can start to redesign whit all the modules and photos in a good position a size.

I started this tread because I think this is a failurie of ps cloud if you sell themes compatible whit ps cloud but you don't give acces to db. (and I understand why they don't give it or you have to pay it)

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Sorry, but the instruction is for Prestashop 1.5,  2 years old and not an official instruction. If you buy themes outside they are not compatible with cloud and from my experience here in the forum, most of them also not compatible in 100%. On Template Monster in 90% are designers offering their designs, but they don't know Prestashop. like a developer offering his templates at official Prestashop addons site. It is a risk to buy outside.


Cloud is a product released in 2015 ! Mainly if you buy a theme or addon on Prestashop addons this is installed by itself (modules) and themes you can easily install with theme installer. You don't need to upload SQL. In this dump I'm sure there are nothing as sample of data (product, categories, etc). There are nothing you need in a dump for to use the theme. As you will not use these samples you can also ignore them.


If Prestashop Cloud does not meet your requirements, so you are free to use Prestashop by using it with paid hosting services. Prestashop Cloud is made for users with no know-how of php, SQL, etc. The use is out of the box without any adaptations or extras.

If you need more, than you should use a self hosting package. You cannot expect from free services that it is equal to one you have to pay for.

Edited by selectshop.at (see edit history)
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ok ok it's not a kind of complaining of prestashop cloud it is because prestashop cloud is for people don't know a lot of runing web on host , so is done to be easy setup , if people with not so many skils buy a theme and have to change almost everithing it's not a easy setup


1 in the first post i said that i buy the theme on the official prestashop marketplace, a theme 2 weeks old and ps cloud compatible.

2 here you have a link to a tutorial how to install the sample data a official prestashop help and latest version.


now I installed the theme on my localhost with the sample data and I only need to change photos categories and products , with this metoth you gaina lot of time


so i change to a hosted version for further problems with the database


thank you

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sample date you don't need to install, cause these are installed by default when you activate a Prestashop Cloud shop. The dump is nothing doing than overriding the database with other samples, which in fact you will not use. Or are you selling sample products ?


About which theme are you talking, you've bought at Prestashop addons ? If the developer is saying, that it is compatible with cloud, so the text should be changed. Furthermore you don't need to install any dump for to use any theme in Prestashop. Not for cloud, not for own hosting, besides you with this are overwriting you database. If you already added own localization for you country and some other configuration particularly for your needs the gone be all lost !. Developers encouraging users with half or non know-how in SQL php, etc, should be prohibited to sell their products, especially for cloud!. So please name the theme in question, in order that Prestashop can take a look into it.

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  On 3/16/2015 at 8:22 AM, selectshop.at said:

sample date you don't need to install, cause these are installed by default when you activate a Prestashop Cloud shop. The dump is nothing doing than overriding the database with other samples, which in fact you will not use. Or are you selling sample products ?


About which theme are you talking, you've bought at Prestashop addons ? If the developer is saying, that it is compatible with cloud, so the text should be changed. Furthermore you don't need to install any dump for to use any theme in Prestashop. Not for cloud, not for own hosting, besides you with this are overwriting you database. If you already added own localization for you country and some other configuration particularly for your needs the gone be all lost !. Developers encouraging users with half or non know-how in SQL php, etc, should be prohibited to sell their products, especially for cloud!. So please name the theme in question, in order that Prestashop can take a look into it.


Sample data usually do not include only sample products, but module hooks positions and content, which is very useful if you want to start redesigning your store as theme demo.

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