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Prices stay zero

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The productprices on my product pages remain 0. The prices however work fine in the categories and the cart pages. Only on the product page they are on 0.

 I read several solutions to the problem. But that seems mostly shortcuts that do not work. Someone who has a good working solution for me?




Thank you,

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I have problems with combinations and prices also.


If I set the default price to 0 and then I set the correct prices for the combinations then I always get price 0 on the front end

(is that your situation Maaike?)


If I set the default price to the price of the first combination (e.g. 18€), then I set the prices for the combinations the price that I get on the front end is the default price (e.g. 18€).


If I change the combination the price does not change.


You can see it here:



Please help, I need the combination prices to work!

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Jorge: That is not what is happening on my site.

I put the price in the default price. It shows up in the categorie pages. But not in the product pages.

Product combination prices ar not changing, it is zero. And that is a real big problem for my costumers.


When the site is real slow loading, ther is a price. But it disapears  when the page is fully loaded.

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  • 10 months later...

Apreciados amigos, veo que ustedes ya solucionaron el problema de los precios en cero.  Yo actualicé mi versión a y tengo el mismo error: los precios aparecen en cero en las categorías, pero se ven bien en la ficha del producto.  si pueden decirme cuál fué la solución para ustedes les agradecería mucho pues he intentado con varias opciones del foro y ninguna me ha dado resultado.  Gracias.

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