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Paypall Payment Error - $0


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* I saw there are similar posts but non quite the same, so I'm making a new one and including my info, as detailed as I can, in the hopes that I'll help others too...

- PayPal v1.6, Prestashop Version

- store in Canadian dollars, shipping cost is 0, there is no handling fee, downloadable products only.

- tried with taxes on and off, same result

When placing an order, everything seems fine. Paypall payment goes OK, client receives a payment confirmation email from PayPal. However, the client also receives a "Payment error" e-mail from PrestaShop instead of the e-mail with the download link. When I check in the PrestaShop control panel, in "Orders", there's a "Warning: $ 0.00 paid instead of $ 3.00" for the order in question.

It seems like the cart isn't getting the PayPall confirmation correctly... Can anyone please help?

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I have exactly the same problem.
Paypal returned this to the validation script:

  [mc_gross] => 276.00
  [protection_eligibility] => Ineligible
  [address_status] => unconfirmed
  [item_number1] => 
  [payer_id] => 43P2LJDWE3D8W
  [tax] => 0.00
  [address_street] => Ergens 99
  [payment_date] => 08:53:51 Feb 10, 2010 PST
  [payment_status] => Pending
  [charset] => windows-1252
  [address_zip] => 9999DD
  [mc_shipping] => 7.00
  [mc_handling] => 0.00
  [first_name] => Test
  [mc_fee] => 5.79
  [address_country_code] => DE
  [address_name] => Remi BBBBBB
  [notify_version] => 2.9
  [custom] => 69
  [payer_status] => verified
  [business] => [email protected]
  [address_country] => Germany
  [num_cart_items] => 1
  [mc_handling1] => 0.00
  [address_city] => Berlin
  [verify_sign] => AShRtYYV.BW.qOfMZxFW5.h-HhZiAckNYwkX.-VRLtzrm0bQaMxOE7Ce
  [payer_email] => [email protected]
  [mc_shipping1] => 7.00
  [tax1] => 0.00
  [txn_id] => 7Y765442SE831890L
  [payment_type] => instant
  [last_name] => User
  [address_state] => 
  [item_name1] => Duet
  [receiver_email] => [email protected]
  [payment_fee] => 
  [quantity1] => 1
  [receiver_id] => KQQBL56PTR37A
  [pending_reason] => paymentreview
  [txn_type] => cart
  [mc_gross_1] => 276.00
  [mc_currency] => CHF
  [residence_country] => DE
  [test_ipn] => 1
  [transaction_subject] => 69
  [payment_gross] => 

And $errors contains:

I hope you can help me out!


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Paypal returns [payment_status] => Pending whenever they think something might be wrong with the transactions.

This can mean:

* Buyer just opened their paypal account
* Suspicious activity
* New or unverified customer payment method.

I had about 1/30 transactions on my site return these errors, they would randomly delay transactions and start a 10 day investigation while holding my money and earning interest on it.

I am really starting to hate paypal and the way they conduct their business, my suggestion to you is to get a new payment processing method.

Paypal is alright if you are starting your shop, and don't want to spend money on a merchant account and an SSL certificate, but any respectable e-commerce business uses a "real" payment method.

I have just added authorize.net to my site, and it works like a charm.

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Okay, There was indeed a pending thing in my paypal sandbox.
However, when I accepted the payment on paypal, a message was send to prestashop (IPN). Unfortunately prestashop doesn't correct this in it is system automatically, so you have to accept the payment manually. Does someone know how to automate this?

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