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Add reference number to single product page

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  • 1 year later...

Pls tell me how, I would love to put this in the brief description..


Thanks in advance!

You should be able to do this by editing your product.tpl file.

Look for this:

  <p id="product_reference" {if isset($groups) OR !$product->reference}style="display: none;"{/if}><label for="product_reference">{l s='Reference :'} </label><span class="editable">{$product->reference|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</span></p>

And move that code into this:

 <div id="short_description_block">
  {if $product->description_short}
<div id="short_description_content" class="rte align_justify">{$product->description_short}</div>

The end result should look something like this:

 <div id="short_description_block">
  {if $product->description_short}
<div id="short_description_content" class="rte align_justify">{$product->description_short}</div>
  <p id="product_reference" {if isset($groups) OR !$product->reference}style="display: none;"{/if}><label for="product_reference">{l s='Reference :'} </label><span class="editable">{$product->reference|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</span></p>

You'll need to edit product.css if you want to change the way it looks.

Don't forget to enable 'Force compile' in your backoffice for changes to TPL files.

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