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Maximum size for a downloadable product

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I buy new dedicated server and install centos and plesk admin panel. Now I install PS 1.6 and I have problem with VIRTUAL PRODUCT.


I get this error:


The uploaded file exceeds the "Maximum size for a downloadable product" set in preferences (2MB) or the post_max_size/ directive in php.ini (2MB).


My server administration set


[user@CentOS-66-64-minimal /]# php -i | grep post
always_populate_raw_post_data => Off => Off
post_max_size => 256M => 256M
[user@CentOS-66-64-minimal /]# php -i | grep upload
file_uploads => On => On
max_file_uploads => 20 => 20
upload_max_filesize => 256M => 256M
How to fix this problem?
Edited by evilmc (see edit history)
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that may be your system php configuration, not what apache is loading.


you should create a php file that executes the phpinfo() command, and then place that in your webroot.  Then access it from a browser and verify what your PHP settings are running within the webserver, not the command shell.

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Please, how fix this problem :/


I change limit and restart apache and again not works :/




PS admin for product error:




How to change thisupload 8,00MB and upload 2MB? :/












I fix the problem :/



Edited by evilmc (see edit history)
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Hello there, 

There are few solutions to this issue, however as far as I can see indeed the php binary has been already edited. 

First and most importantly you are checking the php binary, however only the native one. For example if you have additional php running in CGI mode then most probably its settings are not located in the php.ini file you have edited. 


Secondly if all the other resolutions are failing then you should manually add a php.ini file into the admin folder with the following settings into the same:

post_max_size = 256M

upload_max_filesize = 256M

max_input_vars = 10000

Next you should check the phpinfo file and make sure that it will show the new changes. Once the new changes are shown in the info file then you can be sure that the environment is well configured. 

Best Regards,
FastComet Team

Edited by FastComet (see edit history)
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On 8/22/2018 at 10:11 AM, Lucagiaicheca said:

In PS 1.6 go to the Administration > Preferences tab in the Back Office and you'll find a "Maximum size for a downloadable product" setting.

Thank for your post! It has been more useful for me!!

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