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Link/button from quick view to product full page/description?

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I am having troubles figuring out how to open the full product page from quick view. There is no button or link or anything that allows going from the quick view pop-up window to the full product page and description. I have to close the quick view window and then click on "MORE" button in the product list in order to get to the full product page. I'm using PS 1.6.09.

Thank you.

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Um, on my site it goes to product page.

Is it possible to see your site?

It zooms the picture because I have a specific module to be able to see full zoom in quick view. Why does one to have to click on the picture to get to the product page? Weird.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

I also need the quick view button to go to the full product page. Does one know how to do this? Please help

I dont want the pop up windown with just half of the information to appear. After clients click on the quick view button i need to be directed to the full product page. Please HELP!!!



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  • 2 months later...

I searched in the JS what was making the clicking event on the image trigger a product page load. And I found this in mytheme/js/product.js:


if (typeof(contentOnly) !== 'undefined' && contentOnly)
	$(document).on('click', '.fancybox', function(e){

	$(document).on('click', '#image-block', function(e){
		var productUrl = window.document.location.href + '';
		var data = productUrl.replace(/[\?|&]content_only=1/, '');

		if (window.parent.page_name == 'search')
			data += ((data.indexOf('?') < 0) ? '?' : '&') + 'HTTP_REFERER=' + encodeURIComponent(window.parent.document.location.href);

		window.parent.document.location.href = data;
I don't know why when I added my link's ID, the function did not wok. I ran out of time for now and I did not care to keep the image click. So I renamed my "More details" link ID into #image-block in my mytheme/product.tpl and that's it. It is my temporary solution:


                                {if !$content_only}
                                    <span class="moredetails"><span>>></span> 
                                        <a href="#more_info_block">{l s='More details'}</a>
                                {elseif $content_only}
                                    <span class="moredetails"><span>>></span> 
                                        <a id="image-block" href="#">{l s='More details'}</a>
If it is not displaying the quick view window ($content_only) I show my #image-block ID on my <a> link. Of course an ID should be unique, so I did quite the same with the ID of the image container on quick view pages:

<div id="{if !$content_only}image-block{else}image-block-a{/if}" class="clearfix">
And I applied my css rules on both image-block and image-block-a too, so that it is not broken on quick view or on product page.

.pb-left-column #image-block, .pb-left-column #image-block-a {/*Whatever styles you need, I use default-bootstrap theme*/}
Edited by Juke29 (see edit history)
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I searched in the JS what was making the clicking event on the image trigger a product page load. And I found this in mytheme/js/product.js:


if (typeof(contentOnly) !== 'undefined' && contentOnly)
	$(document).on('click', '.fancybox', function(e){

	$(document).on('click', '#image-block', function(e){
		var productUrl = window.document.location.href + '';
		var data = productUrl.replace(/[\?|&]content_only=1/, '');

		if (window.parent.page_name == 'search')
			data += ((data.indexOf('?') < 0) ? '?' : '&') + 'HTTP_REFERER=' + encodeURIComponent(window.parent.document.location.href);

		window.parent.document.location.href = data;
I don't know why when I added my link's ID, the function did not wok. I ran out of time for now and I did not care to keep the image click. So I renamed my "More details" link ID into #image-block in my mytheme/product.tpl and that's it. It is my temporary solution:


                                {if !$content_only}
                                    <span class="moredetails"><span>>></span> 
                                        <a href="#more_info_block">{l s='More details'}</a>
                                {elseif $content_only}
                                    <span class="moredetails"><span>>></span> 
                                        <a id="image-block" href="#">{l s='More details'}</a>
If it is not displaying the quick view window ($content_only) I show my #image-block ID on my <a> link. Of course an ID should be unique, so I did quite the same with the ID of the image container on quick view pages:

<div id="{if !$content_only}image-block{else}image-block-a{/if}" class="clearfix">
And I applied my css rules on both image-block and image-block-a too, so that it is not broken on quick view or on product page.

.pb-left-column #image-block, .pb-left-column #image-block-a {/*Whatever styles you need, I use default-bootstrap theme*/}
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