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Bir bölgeyi hangi hook etkiliyor, Nasıl anlarız?

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Arkadaşlar prestashop gibi devamlı güncellenen scriptlerde hook kullanmak gerekiyor. php üzerinde yaptığımız değişiklikler nedeniyle güncelleme zahmetli oluyor ve geride kalıyoruz.

Bu nedenle kodlarımızı modüllere, onların içerisinde de hook lardan çağrılacak şekilde gömmemiz gerekiyor.


Modul nasıl yapılır gibi makaleler varsa da, hook ların kapsamlı bir haritasını bulamadım.


Acaba diyorum, canlı modül yerleştirme özelliğinde olduğu gibi, hook ların yerlerini canlı görebileceğimiz bir yer var mı?

Yoksa bunu bir öneri olarak prestashop yapımcı hazretlerine sunabilirmisiniz :)


Prestashop 1.6 Hook list :

actionAdminControllerSetMedia (Admin action setMedia)
actionAdminMetaSave (After save configuration in AdminMeta)
actionAttributeDelete (On deleting attribute feature value)
actionAttributeGroupDelete (On deleting attribute group)
actionAttributeGroupSave (On saving attribute group)
actionAttributePostProcess (On post-process in admin feature value)
actionAttributeSave (On saving attribute feature value)
actionAuthentication (Successful customer authentication)
actionBackOfficeCategory (Process new elements in the Back Office, tab AdminCategories)
actionBeforeAuthentication (Before Authentication)
actionCarrierProcess (Carrier Process)
actionCarrierUpdate (Carrier Update)
actionCartSave (Cart creation and update)
actionCategoryAdd (Category creation)
actionCategoryDelete (Category removal)
actionCategoryUpdate (Category modification)
actionCustomerAccountAdd (Successful customer create account)
actionFeatureDelete (On deleting attribute feature)
actionFeatureSave (On saving attribute feature)
actionFeatureValueDelete (On deleting attribute feature value)
actionFeatureValueSave (On saving attribute feature value)
actionHtaccessCreate (After htaccess creation)
actionOrderDetail (Order Detail)
actionOrderReturn (Product returned)
actionOrderSlipAdd (Called when a order slip is created)
actionOrderStatusPostUpdate (Post update of order status)
actionOrderStatusUpdate (Order's status update event)
actionPaymentCCAdd (Payment CC added)
actionPaymentConfirmation (Payment confirmation)
actionProductAdd (Product creation)
actionProductAttributeDelete (Product Attribute Deletion)
actionProductAttributeUpdate (Product attribute update)
actionProductCancel (Product cancelled)
actionProductDelete (Product deletion)
actionProductListOverride (Assign product list to a category)
actionProductOutOfStock (Product out of stock)
actionProductSave (On saving products)
actionProductUpdate (Product Update)
actionSearch (Search)
actionTaxManager (taxmanager)
actionUpdateQuantity (Quantity update)
actionValidateOrder (New orders)
actionWatermark (Watermark)
afterCreateHtaccess (After htaccess creation)
afterDeleteAttribute (On deleting attribute feature value)
afterDeleteAttributeGroup (On deleting attribute group)
afterDeleteFeature (On deleting attribute feature)
afterDeleteFeatureValue (On deleting attribute feature value)
afterSaveAdminMeta (After save configuration in AdminMeta)
afterSaveAttribute (On saving attribute feature value)
afterSaveAttributeGroup (On saving attribute group)
afterSaveFeature (On saving attribute feature)
afterSaveFeatureValue (On saving attribute feature value)
afterSaveProduct (On saving products)
attributeForm (Add fields to the form "feature value")
attributeGroupForm (Add fields to the form "attribute group")
backOfficeFooter (Administration panel footer)
backOfficeHeader (Administration panel header)
backOfficeTop (Administration panel top hover the tabs)
beforeAuthentication (Before Authentication)
beforeCarrier (Before carrier list)
categoryAddition (Category creation)
categoryDeletion (Category removal)
categoryUpdate (Category modification)
createAccountTop (Block above the form for create an account)
deleteProductAttribute (Product Attribute Deletion)
displayAdminCustomers (Display in Back-Office, tab AdminCustomers)
displayAdminOrder (Display in Back-Office, tab AdminOrder)
displayAdminOrderContentOrder (Display new elements in Back Office on AdminOrder, panel Order)
displayAdminOrderContentShip (Display new elements in Back Office, AdminOrder, panel Shipping)
displayAdminOrderTabOrder (Display new elements in Back Office on AdminOrder, panel Order)
displayAdminOrderTabShip (Display new elements in Back Office, AdminOrder, panel Shipping)
displayAdminStatsGraphEngine (Graph Engines)
displayAdminStatsGridEngine (Grid Engines)
displayAdminStatsModules (Stats - Modules)
displayAttributeForm (Add fields to the form "feature value")
displayAttributeGroupForm (Add fields to the form "attribute group")
displayAttributeGroupPostProcess (On post-process in admin attribute group)
displayBackOfficeCategory (Display new elements in the Back Office, tab AdminCategories)
displayBackOfficeFooter (Administration panel footer)
displayBackOfficeHeader (Administration panel header)
displayBackOfficeHome (Administration panel homepage)
displayBackOfficeTop (Administration panel top hover the tabs)
displayBeforeCarrier (Before carrier list)
displayBeforePayment (Redirect in order process)
displayCarrierList (Extra carrier (module mode))
displayCustomerAccount (Customer account page display in front office)
displayCustomerAccountForm (Customer account creation form)
displayCustomerAccountFormTop (Block above the form for create an account)
displayCustomerIdentityForm (Customer identity form displayed in Front Office)
displayFeatureForm (Add fields to the form "feature")
displayFeaturePostProcess (On post-process in admin feature)
displayFeatureValueForm (Add fields to the form "feature value")
displayFeatureValuePostProcess (On post-process in admin feature value)
displayFooter (Footer)
displayFooterProduct (Product footer)
displayHeader (Header of pages)
displayHome (Homepage content)
displayHomeTab (Home Page Tabs)
displayHomeTabContent (Home Page Tabs Content)
displayInvoice (Invoice)
displayLeftColumn (Left column blocks)
displayLeftColumnProduct (Extra actions on the product page (left column).)
displayMyAccountBlockfooter (My account block)
displayOrderConfirmation (Order confirmation page)
displayOrderDetail (Order detail displayed)
displayPayment (Payment)
displayPaymentReturn (Payment return)
displayPaymentTop (Top of payment page)
displayPDFInvoice (PDF Invoice)
displayProductButtons (Product actions)
displayProductComparison (Extra Product Comparison)
displayProductTab (Tabs on product page)
displayProductTabContent (Content of tabs on product page)
displayRightColumn (Right column blocks)
displayRightColumnProduct (Extra actions on the product page (right column).)
displayShoppingCart (Shopping cart extra button)
displayShoppingCartFooter (Shopping cart footer)
displayTop (Top of pages)
extraProductComparison (Extra Product Comparison)
fbpsstBottom (Facebook PS Shop Tab Bottom)
fbpsstCore (Facebook PS Shop Tab Core)
fbpsstHeader (Facebook PS Shop Tab Header)
fbpsstHome (Facebook PS Shop Tab Home (Right))
fbpsstRight (Facebook PS Shop Tab Right)
fbpsstTop (Facebook PS Shop Tab Top)
featureForm (Add fields to the form "feature")
featureValueForm (Add fields to the form "feature value")
frontCanonicalRedirect (Front Canonical Redirect)
myAccountBlock (My account block)
orderDetail (Order Detail)
orderDetailDisplayed (Order detail displayed)
paymentCCAdded (Payment CC added)
paymentTop (Top of payment page)
postProcessAttribute (On post-process in admin feature value)
postProcessAttributeGroup (On post-process in admin attribute group)
postProcessFeature (On post-process in admin feature)
postProcessFeatureValue (On post-process in admin feature value)
processCarrier (Carrier Process)
productListAssign (Assign product list to a category)
Edited by behcet (see edit history)
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Yapısal değişiklik yapılan sistemlerde güncelleme yapılması çok doğru değildir...prestashop güncellendi diyerek sisteminizi güncellemenize gerek yoktur....

Bir çok site prestashop 1.3-4-5 versiyonunu hala kullanmaktadır..problemsiz çalışan bir sistemin güncellenmesi, macera aramaktan ödeye gitmez...

Edited by Şahin YILDIZ (see edit history)
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Haklı olabilirsiniz.
Ancak sitelerimiz sunucularda barındığı için, onların olası güncellemeleri kod yapısını zorlamakda buda güncellemeyi mecbur bırakmakta.
Kaldı ki işletmenin gelişmesi, gelişmesi de yeni ihtiyaçları doğurmaktadır. 
İşletme ihtiyacının yanında, siteyi hızlandırmak ve görselliğini arttırmak içinde güncellemelere gidilebiliyor.
Yani bu bu bir ihtiyaç ve tercih meselesi. Kaldı ki konumuz bu değil : :) 
Şu aşamadan sonra karşılaştığımız hook'ları resim olarak burada paylaşalım lütfen.
hook display Adminorder

public function hookDisplayAdminOrder($params)
echo 'DisplayAdminOrder'; // sipariş içinde sol üst.



Edited by behcet (see edit history)
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