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Hi everybody,

Could the features of a product could also be grouped in a future release ?

Actually, I dream of a system that has : sets of features, groups of features, and finally features. Let me explain :
When you add a product, let's say a laptop, you select the laptop-set, where you have the following groups : display, battery, storage, etc, and in the battery group you have the folowing atributes(features) : type(li-ion,polymer,etc), capacity(like 2700 mAH), and so on.

A man can only hope :)

Thank you,

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Could this not be done as an accessory. Found at the bottom of the product add page. I would imagine there were infinate combinations.
Just select what you want from the dropdown list and click the green button.

Hope it helps


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Hi norunegru,

Welcome to the PrestaShop Forum. :)

Bob's idea is a good one, using Accessories can certainly be good for that.

If you're thinking of having something more like the way Dell or Apple among many others have their product pages set up, with a series of drop-down lists that you use to "construct" your laptop for which you are then given a "customized" price, then Attributes would be perfect for that.

You would create Attribute Groups that you call "display", "battery", "memory" etc. and then in each group you would have all the different choices in a drop-down list.

You could play with the CSS to have the drop-downs displayed more prominently, etc.

If you haven't already, check out the Attributes page on the PrestaShop Wiki:


Or have I misunderstood your idea? If so, can you give us an example, perhaps with screenshots?


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Hi everyone!

I think that what "norunegru" wanted to say was that :

- The laptop has attributes groups such as "battery", "memory", "storage capacity"

- Each of them has different values such as "5 cells"/"7 cells", "2Go"/"4Go", "160Go"/"250Go"

- And Each value has its own features such as "5x5x1.3 3hours"/"5x5x1.3 5.5hours", "DDR Ram", "7200RPM"

Which is a good idea.
Please post a new feature request and we'll care about it ;-)

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