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V1 stable ???? No comment

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For sure, the bug tracker was empty but it is full and grow up day after day , without the french community who do not report their bug, they do not speak english. The V1 sounds like the RC5, but the difference V1 should be for start business, isn't it ? Why are you so in hurry to give us these V1.

I never understand since I use prestashop in april, the way of thinking, and where you want exactly to go, seems not clear for me.

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Hi elcafeine!

I disagree with you.
That last release is more stable that the RC5, see by yourself the Bug Tracker is almost empty (compare to the usual bug list) and half of the issues are not real, I mean they are just misconfiguration.

Maybe there needs to be some work done on assisting with configuration then? Detailed requirements? Installation Documentation covering configuration of the environment?

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