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SOLVED - What .tpl is Used in Abandoned Shopping Cart List?

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First I'm sorry for my bad english, I'm french (:

the URL gives a good hint : when you are in your BO, you can see this type of url : "index.php?controller=AdminCarts&token=XXX"

The controller looks for a view in admin folder, seems logic.

So, in your FTP, open your folder "adminXXX/".

We look for the BackOffice views, it's like Front-office, in "/themes/".

You should have a "/default/" folder. Open it. There is a folder named "template/", I think it's what we look for ! o/

Inside, you have all the template files for the BO, but, for your cart view, as we use a "controller" in the url, open the "controllers/" folder. You'll have a folder for each view that need a controller. Like "Carts/". The view you look for is view.tpl (in /helpers/views/).

It's the same logic when you look for any view on Pretsashop' BO.


I hope that helps (:



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