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Featured Products not showing "In Stock/Out of Stock" button on home page.

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I swore that featured products on the home page showed the "in stock" and "out of stock" buttons.
On my product listing page they appear, but not on the featured products block.
(When you hover over an item, you can faintly see the text, in stock, out of stock, and the add to cart button is "greyed out".)
I have attached images to show what I'm "not" seeing on the home page, and what I do see on product lists.


Here the "out of Stock/In stock" buttons do not appear.


Here the in stock/out of stock buttons do appear on the product category page.


I just noticed this since I did the upgrade from to


Am I correct, and they USED to be there but are no longer?


I tried uninstalling, clearing cache and re-installing, to no avail.
Is it a css issue perhaps?


Edited by Bewitching (see edit history)
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