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Free shipping only for some countries/zones/payment methods

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This is a sugestion, why presta team do no develop the code for the "free shipping" option on prestashop.

Only free shiping for example when a customer pays by bank wire or pay pal, and only if he is from one specific country or zone.

Anyone that can develop something like this, please PM me, i can pay a small fee for the work!

Best reagards.

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Not logic. Once customer has chosen all options including transport, he pays an amount.
This amount should not be altered once transmitted to paypal. Or once an email has been sent to customer "pls wire xxx".

It is possible to have free shipping for a country / zone / state. Needs a little setup

How about offering a voucher to customers who have paid wire/paypal ? Like an X % of their order available for NEXT order.
And send them a kind email " You have a voucher available !"

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Set Zones like north, south, my city, etc...
Set states to your country,
input new states affect to your country and zone(north, mycity, ...),
input carrier and affect corresponding zones.
input weight ranges or price ranges per transporter.
set weight or price values into ranges for your transporter/zone.

Bug note:
your first weights/prizes range prices should not be equal to 0.0, set-it to 0.0001 to bypass bug.

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  • 2 years later...

I want to set Free shipping starts at to 14.99 but i want this applicable to only one country Netherlands can anybody please tell me how do this?


i want Free shipping Start at 15.00 Euro and only for country Netherlands for all other country i want shipping charge applicable based on product weight and carrier.




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You can do it with the following module http://www.prestashop.com/forums/index.php?/topic/148747-module-localized-shipping-set-shipping-rates-by-country-state-or-zipcode-range-or-wildcard/


You can set a different shipping rate by country / state / zip, and each can have it's own free shipping limit, and even free shipping for certain items (per carrier)

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