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[solved]upgraded my prestashop to :-(

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Hi, anytime you get blank screen you need to enable PS debug mode, learn how here:



once you have the underlying php error it may be evident how to fix and if not you can search for that error using google as there may have already been a solution posted.

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uhm...ok...if they are different everytime that make it's a bit more difficult.


modify config/defines.inc.php


find this line and set to true.  Maybe we can see more information, i.e. who is calling what when error happens.  Note: when this is enabled all visitors will see information so make sure to set back to false after capturing the data.

define('_PS_DEBUG_PROFILING_', false);
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Try something...

In the BO > Advanced Parameters > Performance
1) Disable all the cache, enable force compile and save
2) Disable all overrides
3) Clear all the cache

In BO > Preferences > SEO & URLs
1) Disable Friendly URL an save
2) Enable Friendly URL an save

Finally delete all cache and cookies in your browser

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your host has a 30 second restriction on how long a process can execute for.  so any page that takes longer than 30 seconds is going to fail, that is why it appears 'random'


so increasing that setting to a higher value should help, however 30 seconds is a long time.  so really you should be working with your hosting provider to understand why things are taking so long.  I assume you are on a shared hosting platform, one that is not very well tuned for Prestashop.  It may be time to find a new hosting provider

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if suggestions offered are above your skill level, i.e. debug/profiling etc.  then as suggested you will need someone to look at it more closely.  

Please respond by quoting all advices, i.e. is this on test shop or did you upgrade your production shop.

Re-asking why it doesn't work does not help. :)

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