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Flash intergration and presata version 1

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I have been trying to implement some flash with my site, however, all the information i have found and tried in the forums doesn't work, the place where is says to place the code eg header.tpl etc, doesn't look the same as the examples, so im unclear where to paste the code.

Please could someone provide me with a little tutorial or explanation thanks every so much


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Step by step tutorial to add a Flash header

1. Go to your PrestshopSiteFolder/themes/Prestshop(or your current theme folder)/index.tpl

2. Download and backup index.tpl on local machine as well as on server (if you your using a commercial host). (DONT MODIFY THE ORIGINAL FILE WITHOUT BACKING UP FIRST)

3. Open the index file and paste the below code just above {$HOOK_HOME}

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<title>SWFObject - step 3</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

swfobject.registerObject("myId", "9.0.0", "/themes/prestashop/expressInstall.swf");


<object id="myId" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="531" height="219">

<!--[if !IE]>-->
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="/themes/prestashop/header.swf" width="531" height="219">

Alternative content

<!--[if !IE]>-->
<!-- </object>

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4. Download files and make sure you have all the files listed below. (All files are in FLASH_HEADER.zip file)

(1) index.tpl (just backup your original index.tpl and replace with this)

(2) swfobject.js

(3) expressInstall.swf

(4) header.swf (THIS SHOULD BE YOUR FLASH SWF FILE, this file is not included in the zip. Rename your flash file header.swf if its not already header.swf).

5. Make sure all the files are there in the exact folder

a. /themes/prestashop/js/swfobject.js (If you dont have "js" folder in under theme/prestashop then create one)
b. /themes/prestashop/expressInstall.swf (this file goes into /themes/prestashop folder)
c. /themes/prestashop/header.swf (THIS IS YOUR FLASH FILE WHICH YOU CREATED, IT GOES UNDER /themes/prestashop folder

You should be good with this. If you still have problems with adding flash header, email me at [email protected].


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Another form to make the same thing and also disappearing in IE the message: – Press SPACEBAR or ENTER to activate this control –

The zip contains:

Edit included – index.tpl (in line 8 of code in necessary case to substitute for the name of his file and size)


a. /themes/prestashop/js/run.js (If you dont have “js” folder in under theme/prestashop then create one) b. /themes/prestashop/proomo.swf (THIS IS SAMPLE FLASH FILE)
c. /themes/prestashop/index.tpl

Example of result

Software of creation of the file proomo.swf

Thank you


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J'ai essayé pas à pas ceci ci-dessous , mais sans succes sur XAMPP.
Des idees ?
Qqun pourrait-il fournir un fichier SWF adequat . J'en ai telechargé un du net, cependant je suppose qu'il fait adapter les champs "width" du ficheri index.tpl, non ?
Je suis novice la-desus :-)

4. Download files and make sure you have all the files listed below. (All files are in FLASH_HEADER.zip file)

(1) index.tpl (just backup your original index.tpl and replace with this) (2) swfobject.js (3) expressInstall.swf (4) header.swf (THIS SHOULD BE YOUR FLASH SWF FILE, this file is not included in the zip. Rename your flash file header.swf if its not already header.swf).
5. Make sure all the files are there in the exact folder

a. /themes/prestashop/js/swfobject.js (If you dont have “js” folder in under theme/prestashop then create one) b. /themes/prestashop/expressInstall.swf (this file goes into /themes/prestashop folder) c. /themes/prestashop/header.swf (THIS IS YOUR FLASH FILE WHICH YOU CREATED, IT GOES UNDER /themes/prestashop folder
You should be good with this. If you still have problems with adding flash header, email me at [email protected].

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I thought I was answering in the french part of this forum :-(
Here it is
I have tried the below procedure, with no luck, on XAMPP local. Any idea ?
I have used a test swf file I got from the net, but nothing is displayed at all. Do I need to adapt the "width" and "height" values in the index.tpl file to be that of my swf file ? Anything else to test where the issue actually comes from ?
I am really new to this :-)
Thanks for your help !

"4. Download files and make sure you have all the files listed below. (All files are in FLASH_HEADER.zip file)

(1) index.tpl (just backup your original index.tpl and replace with this) (2) swfobject.js (3) expressInstall.swf (4) header.swf (THIS SHOULD BE YOUR FLASH SWF FILE, this file is not included in the zip. Rename your flash file header.swf if its not already header.swf).
5. Make sure all the files are there in the exact folder

a. /themes/prestashop/js/swfobject.js (If you dont have “js” folder in under theme/prestashop then create one) b. /themes/prestashop/expressInstall.swf (this file goes into /themes/prestashop folder) c. /themes/prestashop/header.swf (THIS IS YOUR FLASH FILE WHICH YOU CREATED, IT GOES UNDER /themes/prestashop folder "

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Another form to make the same thing and also disappearing in IE the message:
- Press SPACEBAR or ENTER to activate this control –

The zip contains:

Edit included - index.tpl (in line 8 of code in necessary case to substitute for the name of his file and size)


a. /themes/prestashop/js/run.js (If you dont have “js” folder in under theme/prestashop then create one) b. /themes/prestashop/proomo.swf (THIS IS SAMPLE FLASH FILE)
c. /themes/prestashop/index.tpl

Example of result

Software of creation of the file proomo.swf

Thank you


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thanks for your response.
It now works !
And in the process, I actually why my first shot at it did not work.
Simply because I needed to modify the script with the correct relative path.
My shop is installed under /ROOT/prestashop, tehrefore I needed to change the index.tpl file as follows :

<html >
<title>SWFObject - step 3</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

[removed]runSWF("/prestashop/themes/prestashop/proomo.swf", 531, 125,"6,0,29,0", "#333333");[removed]

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  • 1 month later...


4. Download files and make sure you have all the files listed below. (All files are in FLASH_HEADER.zip file)

(1) index.tpl (just backup your original index.tpl and replace with this)

(2) swfobject.js

(3) expressInstall.swf

(4) header.swf (THIS SHOULD BE YOUR FLASH SWF FILE, this file is not included in the zip. Rename your flash file header.swf if its not already header.swf).

5. Make sure all the files are there in the exact folder

a. /themes/prestashop/js/swfobject.js (If you dont have "js" folder in under theme/prestashop then create one)
b. /themes/prestashop/expressInstall.swf (this file goes into /themes/prestashop folder)
c. /themes/prestashop/header.swf (THIS IS YOUR FLASH FILE WHICH YOU CREATED, IT GOES UNDER /themes/prestashop folder

You should be good with this. If you still have problems with adding flash header, email me at [email protected].

Your solution works for me, well not at all, since it doesnt load the movie, when i right click the flash player within the prestashop it says: "Movie not loaded" any idea on how to fix this?
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Another form to make the same thing and also disappearing in IE the message:
- Press SPACEBAR or ENTER to activate this control –

The zip contains:

Edit included - index.tpl (in line 8 of code in necessary case to substitute for the name of his file and size)


a. /themes/prestashop/js/run.js (If you dont have “js” folder in under theme/prestashop then create one) b. /themes/prestashop/proomo.swf (THIS IS SAMPLE FLASH FILE)
c. /themes/prestashop/index.tpl

Example of result

Software of creation of the file proomo.swf

Thank you

Yours doesn't work either for me, but now that i have a close look at the topic title it says version 1, so it wont work with 1.1 right? If so heres my index.tpl:

<html >
   <title>SWFObject - step 3</title>
   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
   <(Heres the script tag) type="text/javascript" src="js/run.js">(Heres the script tag)>

<(Heres the script tag) type="text/javascript">runSWF("proomo.swf", 531, 125,"6,0,29,0", "#333333");(Heres the script tag)>

EDIT! - To give a better view, have a look at the attachment


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