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No "access to database" in PrestaShop Cloud – what does it mean?



I am in the process of choosing a webshop system, and it is important for me that I'll be able to migrate to a different system or setup if I would ever need to do so. Therefore, I have some concerns about what it means that I will have no "access to database" if I'm using PrestaShop Cloud. What does that mean?


  • What is included in the database? (Products, customer accounts, orders, product images, stylesheets?)
  • Will I be able to export the database to continue the operations elsewhere, either on a PrestaShop server of my own, or on a completely different system?
  • Will I be able to regularly dump the database for the purpose of making backups?
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Yo don't have access top your database form outside. You cannot use phpMyAdmin or other tool for to work directly on you database. You have only the possibilities added on back-office.


In Databases are only included data. Stylesheets and images are included on FTP.


Furtheremore you don't have access to complete FTP, which makes impossible to move your hosted shop on Prestashop Cloud in the future to another server without paying for it (from what I heard 320 Euro for this service, but it is not official).


You have only access to your /theme folder incl. stylesheets, but not to image folder.

Back-ups you can realize manually on back-office of your shop on tab "advanced parameters -> DB-backup"

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  On 3/27/2015 at 7:59 PM, selectshop.at said:
which makes impossible to move your hosted shop on Prestashop Cloud in the future to another server without paying for it (from what I heard 320 Euro for this service, but it is not official).


Yikes. Having a guaranteed way to move out is an absolute must for any webshop system.


So, when you have the database backup and the themes, what else is needed to set up the shop on a new server? Is it only images?


Even if you have all images available elsewhere, to get the new server running, I suppose you also need to know exactly what file name each image should have, right?

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Be aware that Prestashop Cloud is a free hosting package, for users with NO KNOWDLEDGE in php, hosting, etc. and the use out of the box and restricted services. You cannot expect full hositng services for free. If you need to be flexible, than buy a hosting package somewhere. Prestashop Cloud is not the option for you.

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  On 3/28/2015 at 10:35 AM, selectshop.at said:

Be aware that Prestashop Cloud is a free hosting package, for users with NO KNOWDLEDGE in php, hosting, etc. and the use out of the box and restricted services. You cannot expect full hositng services for free. If you need to be flexible, than buy a hosting package somewhere. Prestashop Cloud is not the option for you.


A hosting where the user only has to work in the PrestaShop interface (and doesn't have to care about the underlying server or about updating the software) is exactly what I'm looking for, and I would be happy to pay for it as long as I have the possibility to move the shop elsewhere if I need to. (I don't expect that I ever will need it, but it's a security feature to always be able to do so.) PrestaShop Cloud just so happened to be free of charge, but I didn't even know that when I started looking into it. I would rather there was a small monthly fee if it meant that full backups were included.


In any case, it is definitely a must to know exactly what is and what is not included, and how the current backup possibilities at PrestaShop Cloud differs from a full backup. That's why I'm asking about these things.

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Some and other things are already discussed here in the forum

for ex: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/402457-can-i-move-in-the-future-from-cloud-to-an-external-hosting/


You can make a full back-up of your database on back-office and download it to your local machine for to upload it somewhere, but you don't have full access to FTP, so no full back-up of FTP possible. Furthermore you cannot restore the full back-up of database without to pay for it.

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