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Limit Virtual product quantity to one.


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  • 3 weeks later...

oops, sorry I missed your answer.




Or just don't use quantities for it?

That's it.


It's not related to stocks quantities, Stock management is disable. It's related to the fact that a customer may add twice the same virtual product in it's cart. So he will it twice for the same product.


But now I've just made a small free module ( http://prestashop.seb7.fr/shop/en/modules/2-limit-virtual-products-quantity.html )

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  • 9 months later...

Can you provide me access to code of your module? I'm in this situation at this time.

I override the front controller CartController and listen the function processChangeProductInCart, but if i can see you code i will save many time.


I'm not lazy man. My time is very, very short.




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Forget it.


If you want to listen on add or update cart, use the hook actionCartSave and then 


$this->context->controller->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Max quantity is 1 for this product.', !Tools::getValue('ajax'));


for show errors to the front.


Is better than override, if you need to distribute your module.

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One simple contribution.


There are one hook that is not listed on documentation and is exactly what i need at this moment.


It is actionBeforeCartUpdateQty that is called (as the name says) BEFORE  add or update product in cart. Oppose the actionCartSave that is called AFTER. 

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