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[SOLVED] Small change or feature request, make the product show it's value without VAT, but show it on the chest

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I don't know if this has been covered already or not, but sorry if so.
All the products appear with their VAT that has been defined for each it, but I want to make it show without VAT, when i click a category/subcategory, when the product list shows, show just the nominal price without VAT.

But then I select a product to the chest, I want that the price appears with VAT, or make the product appear without VAT and an extra line with the VAT value.

product a:

3.00€ Product
0.60€ VAT
3.60€ Total

Is there any options for this on the backoffice, or could this be made by code, if yes where and how?
Sorry but I don't know the PrestaShop sctructure, I won't be able to dig and find the right lines to change.

Thanks in advanced :-)
Jorge Bastos,

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Go to Preferences > Products (in v1.2.5) or Customers > Groups > Default (in v1.3) and change "Price display" to "Tax excluded" to display prices without VAT everywhere. You can then modify the code in product.tpl to override this setting and display both price with and without tax. Add the following to the top of product.tpl in your theme's directory:

{assign var='priceDisplay' value='2'}

then the following at the bottom of product.tpl to change it back for the cart module:

{assign var='priceDisplay' value='0'}

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