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[solved] Issues before & after updating

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Dear community,


maybe someone can help me here, in the german forums no one has an idea whats going wrong with my shop.


Yesterday, I've worked on my shop on www.frei-schnauzen.de. I use the standard-template - it's a little customized with different images and some spaces are changed, but there's no great customization on it.

So, yesterday, I realized that the module "EU Legal" seemed not to work as it should. This module is for using prestashop in germany with optimal legal security. The problem was: this module adds a clickable link named "incl. shipping cost" after the price, and this hadn't worked.

So I deactivated it, deleted it and did a manual upgrade of the module (the upgrade hadn't worked over backoffice). Then, the frontend was completely blank - but backoffice had still worked. After turning on error messages, I got this:



Fatal error: Undefined class constant 'ROUND_TOTAL' in /.../override/classes/Cart.php on line 230



So I looked after this message and found this:




Check classes/order/Order.php


Make sure you have this right after the class declaration


const ROUND_ITEM = 1;
const ROUND_LINE = 2;
const ROUND_TOTAL = 3;


Because the numbers were missing in my order.php, I've tried to fix it in cart.php in the overrides directory - but it hadn't worked.

Still after deactivating this module, the problems continue.


After hours of searching, I realized that the shop didn't worked only with firefox, but with internet explorer, the shop was shown with some errors. For example, on product's page with different varieties there was no "add to cart button", and products without varieties couldn't be added to cart, it gave this error:



Impossible to add the product to the cart.
textStatus: 'parsererror'
errorThrown: 'SyntaxError: Ungültiges Zeichen'

Fatal error: Undefined class constant 'ROUND_ITEM' in /kunden/412497_97509/freischnauzen/override/classes/Cart.php on line 230



At this point, I gave up, deleted the "Eu Legal" module completely and decided to upgrade the shop from to and wait for a new version of the module - still have a lot of work with the shop, so the time for waiting wouldn't have been a problem for me.


But after the update, the errors still appear, plus an additional error: the horizontal top menue is gone, although it is turned on.

In the backoffice, the module live search doesn't work anymore, and on the navigation bar left, the popups which appear by hovering "dashboard", "catalog" etc is completely gone. The activities on dashboard load and load, but don't show statistics.



Now, I'm at my wit's end.

Maybe someone of you has an idea what to do?



Thanks a lot!


Edited by tinschn (see edit history)
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Can you paste line 230 of that override? Is it still referring to order? YOu need to add those constants to the core file if they're missing there (order.php) as suggested  in the topic. As for the menu, can you try resetting the module?

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Dear Nemo1,


sorry for my late response.

I think it was a bug which appears after deinstalling the EU legal module. It seems that together with the update, some modules hadn't saved their settings any longer.

Because of my organisational blindness, I coulnd't get it to work, so I ask a german developer for help, and he fixed it and gave me some more information how everything works :lol:


I still have some issues, for example with article weight and varieties - sometimes I have to insert a standard weight for an article, and together with the weight of varieties it's calculated right, and sometimes I have to insert the full width to varieties to shown up correctly- but that's okay for me.


Nevertheless, thanks for your help!





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