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Problem with Assessories and CSS

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HI once again. I"m having trouble with getting the css to work properly on the accessories image. I used preferences -> image to make the accessory images bigger. Now I have to fix the formatting to make it look better. It looks like it is based on the new features box, but i'm not sure how to alter the css so that all of the contents fill up the length of the image. I hope the attached screenshot explains the problem. Thanks again.


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if you go to product.tpl line 263 you can find out all the styles defined then look these up in the style sheet
for example

you will find these styles in global.css if there is a space between to classes these are separate style
in the example above there are 3 styles

1) block (found on line 845)
2) Products block (found on line 938)
3) accessories_block (found on 1053)

hope that helps ;-)
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  • 6 months later...

There is something amiss with the CSS tags for the accessories display. I found an easier fix in product.tpl was to:

1. delete the class (class="product_desc") inside the P tag

2. change the image size from medium.jpg to home.jpg

This is the code that I ended up with and the formatting is fine.



{displayWtPrice p=$accessory.price}
{l s='View'}
{l s='Add to cart'}

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