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clock icon for store information section - store hours

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I made a little icon clock to match the color scheme of the other icons in the store contact info block. I use it for my store hours.  Just copy the icon to a root images folder and it should find it.   I didnt use the standard img folder because for some reason even when using ./ and ../ it could not find it. So i just put it in my root images folder.


here is the code that i put right after the address section inside the /modules/blockcontactinfos/blockcontactinfos.tpl

<!-- added -->
           <i><img src="/images/clockicon.png" border="0" alt="office hours" /></i>  Store Hours 8am - 5pm Monday - Friday
<!-- end add -->

icon attached  - maybe PS will us it in their next release and add store hours input field as well.. :)  if anyone wants the psd file let me know.


Edited by durangodave (see edit history)
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