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Why is "Enable CGI" in the webservice configuration

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I have been wondering a bit about this.

What does "Enable CGI mode for PHP" have to do with Prestashops Webservice and why is it specific to the webservice page ?


On some hosts, I find that everything works fine, except for the webservice.

If I try to access the API through the browser (or any other way for that matter), The API constantly asks for an authentication token (webservice key), even though I provided it with the correct key once.


This behaviour goes away if I choose to "enable CGI mode for php".


Im not even sure that the hosting provider uses CGI mode, in most cases I have no way of knowing (if I dont ask the hosting provider, that is).


Well, just wondering, and could not find any obvious reason.




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The option is associated with this variable in the PS code 'PS_WEBSERVICE_CGI_HOST'

And searching all of the PS code for the usage of 'PS_WEBSERVICE_CGI_HOST', turns up only the following code in the Tools class.  This adds a rewrite rule to the htaccess file

        if (Configuration::get('PS_WEBSERVICE_CGI_HOST')) {
            fwrite($write_fd, "RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.*)\nRewriteRule . - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%1]\n\n");

You will have to do some additional research if you want to know what that rule actually does

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