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Does anyone feel this is a bad SEO idea? Combining Shop with some Categories as Catalog mode?


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Hi Everyone,


I'm wanting to use both of Prestashop's methods of displaying products... in both regular store format and a catalog mode but only in two categories...

I'm wanting to use Prestashop's excellent way of displaying products as a way to display reference items (like a library).


I know that a few years ago, Google did NOT like a shopping cart displaying items without a price.  This was for Google Shopping.


I'm wondering if I keep the non-priced items in a separate category (the library) if it will be easier to keep it from Google Shopping when I list my actual products with prices (haven't used Google Shopping in a while so I don't know if Google simply scans the entire site for priced items or if we are allowed to tell Google which categories are to be listed with them.

Any ideas?  I'm not opposed to some other method of displaying several thousand reference items, just not sure which method would be best.


Thank you,


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you can create a new variable in the productController which checks if the product is in the category with catalogue mode:


in initContent function

$product_categories = $product->getCategories();

$selected_categories = array(3, 4); //array with ids of categories with parts to hide

$show_catalogue = 0;

foreach ($product_categories as $product_categorie)
    if (in_array($product_categorie, $selected_categories))
        $show_catalogue  = 1;

$this->context->smarty->assign('show_catalogue ', $show_catalogue );

then in the template you can use the variable {$show_catalogue }  to hide parts you want by testing {if $show_catalogue} code to hide...{/if}

Edited by fred-vinapresta (see edit history)
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