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File Permissions after Update

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Hi I just updated prestashop from 1.5 to 1.6, I prepared the update in local xampp and once finished imported everything to server (database and files)

So I reuploaded all prestashop through ftp (filezilla).

The thing is I got everything to work ok but I am actually now dealing with some file permission problems, such as,

I've had to change permissions of many directories to 777 (such as cache, cache/smarty)... in order so it works okay but I am having many problems with uploading files or any thing that is related with image uploading, file editing...

I cannot get to regenerate class_index.php file in cache, and what I think is hapenning is that it is related with permission issues, files and directories do not have the correct permissions.

My doubt here is what would be the right way to fix this, I have access to ssh, and the shop is in a dedicated server (CentOs), I know some basic commands in linux but as said... basic I would appreciate some help to know what should I do in order to change correctly the file permissions and which files and directories should I modify.....


I am a bit lost but all I know is all things related with prestashop generating some file (traductions, cache, images...) Is not working and in order to make it work I have to find that module or folder, change permissions and I am sure there is a better way as there are many things I am not being able to work.


An example is if I upload a module through FTP it has file permission errors, if I upload it through prestashop it works perfectly.


Thank you in advance for reading me!  I would really appreciate any help.


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