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Product Reviews

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Hello, I am new to this forum so please be gentle !


I have had a look around but can't find exactly what i'm looking for.


I'm looking to use prestashop to create a product review website some of the features and modules i have found will integrate into my project perfectly, however the review section i am struggling with.


I would like to find a module that includes the following :-


Star ratings - 1 rating system out of 5 stars

                  -would like the rating system to be able to show ranking by default category - (no 3 out of 56 t-shirts)

Reviews - would like to leave a review without logging on or registering but still require: name,region,e-mail address to send

         -would like an option to challenge the review just a button under each review taking to a challenge form which i will create

         -would like the otion to leave an admin comment under each created review

Integration - fully seo compatible to include google snippets


If i have missed a ready made module for this i apologise, if not could anyone suggest a module pretty close to all the features i require which could then be modified to include all of the above.


Thanks in advance for your help !





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