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image path issues, on locally hosted PS, in prep for upgrade

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Hi guys,


I´m preparing an upgrade, of a PS ->


Using MAMP, I´ve set up my 1:1 copy, of the live store, and most seems to be okay - with the exeption, of SOME OF the paths, for a.o. product images - meaning, some of the product images are showing, as predicted; whilst others are replaced with the infamous questionmark-image.

I have - of course - re-generated the .htaccess-file.


The path supplied, in the local store, is (in the browser) : 

<img src="http://localhost/sitename/13364-home/image_name.jpg" height="129" width="129" alt=“Alt text“>

These pictures does not show, in the browser.


The path, in the live store, is (in the browser) : 

<img src="http://www.domain-name.dk/shop/2214-4242-home/image_name.jpg" height="129" width="129" alt=“Alt text”>

These pictures are showing, in the live store


I realize, the position, of the live store, is in a subfolder, to the root - and the locally based copy, isn´t - but this shouldn´t be causing an issue such as this - as the URLs in the live store, are alike - except for the "/shop/" -part.



Product images are all (physically) located in /img/p/


The "new" image-structure is applied, in the setup - however, I fail to see, where the paths, are defined - AND if this, is indeed, the problem, I´m struggling with.


Please advice...


Thank you

Edited by eitel (see edit history)
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Is this before you have upgraded the test store, or after?


If this is before, have you deleted the .htaccess file in the root folder of the test store and then regenerated it?  if not, do that


I would also suggest disabling friendly URL in the test store for the time being so you can see real paths, and not friendly ones.  it will help troubleshoot

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This is before, the upgrade process, is set in motion.


I followed your advice, and my findings are, that the URLs for the images, are - indeed correct, so... so far, so good.


The URLs are, as this example: 


The issue arises, in the fact, that this folder-structure does not exist, to it´s full extent, in the server; meaning, that the full structure and contents, aren´t available.


This is - kinda - logical, as I´ve attempted, to regenerate my thumbnails which,- somewhere in the process - fails, and reports, that it is not possible, to write to the folder(s) in question - in spite of the CHMOD settings, of 777 on all files and folders.


I have read - and followed - threads, about this, but I haven´t had success, in solving this...

However, you´ve helped me, part of the way - and thank you, for that :)


If you have a fool-proof method, to solve the "re-generate thumbnails"-hurdle, I´d sure appreciate, your effort!

Edited by eitel (see edit history)
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Unfortunately I do not know what the proper file/folder permissions need to be when using MAMP.  Perhaps try 755 or 644 instead.


Another thing you can try is to just create a simple php script that attempts to create a folder and file within /img/p/ and see what happens.  Then use that script to determine the necessary permissions

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