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Module infinit scroll help needed

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Hi 2 All,


I am using prestashop 1.6 for my store.I had a lot of products in the products page for which I have used infinite scroll module.Its working fine but there is an issue.When the page is loading the pagination is showed for a while and when the page is loaded it gets disappeared.I think this is a bug.Kindly help me how to resolve this issue.


My second question is that how to use infinite scroll for other pages such as blog.I have also used pagination in that page as well?


Any help will be greatly appreciated?



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The css code is loaded too slow, so that when rendering the page, the (final) css decoration isn't known yet, so it does 'what it knows' first. If after that a css command comes in to hide the pagination, it will be removed, but only after being shown first.


The css code should be loaded inside the <head> ...</head> tag, to make sure it's there on time. See on your page if the css is linked into this part.


If this isn't the reason, it can be that the pagination is removed by using javascript/jquery. Then it's trickier to fix. You can then best add some css code to set the pagination to display:none; initially, and where needed show the code explicitly by using javascript/jquery


Can you add your site URL, maybe that gives some more clues.

What PS 1.6.xx version?


My 2 cents,


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