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Item Long Description cannot contain Link that contains OnClick event

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Prestrashop 1.2.5

On both my hosted service and development host I have an issue where the DESCRIPTION field will fail validation if the Link has OnClick enabled. For example, if I add some text to the DESCRIPTION, select a small portion of it, click on the link button, add in the URL, switch to the events tab, and for the onclick field add some javascript (e.g. return false;) you'll end up with code like this: (note: replace "x" in the following code with "onclick". For some reason this tool automatically removes the onlick attribute from my code example)

Test link

If you try to save the catalog item, you'll get the error.

1 error
1. the field description (English (English)) is invalid

If you amend the link and remove the onclick event, the catalog item will save fine.

Bug, or something else? I tried to identify how the validation is being done, but to be honest it was beyond my skill set.



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