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missing carts are big problem!!

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sometimes our customers call us, they didn't get the ordered product!!

when we investigate what happend..just easily figured out the cart didn't converted to order......and of course we don't see them in the orders list!!!

why is this happend?? why just sometimes???

Is there any real soulution????

I found a topic which suggest update the all software, but I'm not sure and it could bee a really big work.....

I use revision and try to find somebody who really can explain us the core of this problem!!

thank you :)

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I would like to report the same issue with 1.2.5 - we are seeing the orders but they do not have products associated (fortunately the cart is still available), however the order detail does not translate from the cart detail table!!!

This is a _VERY_ serious issue! Presta TEAM, Please Respond!?

figura, do you have access to your server logs? Can you let me know what the server spec you are running the system and your approximate log? My 512MB server is giving me out of memory errors from time to time... I am wondering if this may be the issue - i.e. there are too many objects in memory and the server breaks during the transaction?


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