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Custom CSS doesn't show on Account Creation page, please help (1.6)

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I'm working on launching a new shop for my store and I decided to upgrade my cart to 1.6, which resulted in my previous theme no longer working.  So I decided this time around I would just write a new stylesheet that overrides things in the default theme and create the styling I want, keep it simple.  This methodolgy is working very well and I've only made one modification to the default template, which was to add my stylesheet to the header.  I've been able to style all the pages this way until I got to Account Creation.  Suddenly my stylesheet is being ignored and I can't figure out why, and everything on that page is styled back to defaults without my overrides and looks bad.  It seems that the page is doing an AJAX load instead of a standard HTML page call, so I tried adding my stylesheet to my-account.tpl, but it's still being ignored.  Can someone please help me get my stylesheet to load correctly on this page?


For reference, here is what I've added to the last line of header.tpl

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{$css_dir}atg_presta.css" type="text/css" media="{$media}" />

I added the same line to my-account.tpl, which was ineffective.

The page that isn't being styled is this:


I also tried adding the stylesheet with an override on the controller by creating override/controllers/front/AuthController.php with the following code:

   class AuthController extends AuthControllerCore {
      public function setMedia() {

That did nothing either.  So I'm looking for another solution.


Hope someone can help.  Thanks in advance :-)

Edited by evolutionaryvisions (see edit history)
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The solution to my issue was actually exceedingly simple.  By examing authentication.js I determined that the page is indeed doing an AJAX form submission, and is replacing the center_column.  So examining the source I found that the css I dropped into the "header" by placing it at the bottom of header.tpl, was actually within the center_column as the header.tpl actually defines the entire top half of the page down to the center_column.


So the simple solution was to move the css include up into the header_container, just before the </header>

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