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[SOLVED] Problem: Default language set to English and can't be changed!

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So I searched for tools/tips and any mode of changing the default "English" language so that my website will be, by default, in "Romanian". The problem is that it won't change it, if I simply use Localization->Localization->Default language.


It works only if I use the language selector inside my website (which I don't need and intend to delete as soon as I figure this out). And that is a big problem because I need my customers to view Romanian by default.


Now, I could copy all of romanian translation over english, but I might need the english ones at some point, and don't want to go all over translating from romanian to english again.


There has to be a simple way of changing such a simple feature. Any thoughts?

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thank you for informations where the problem was and how you solved it

im going to mark topic title as solved too.


with regards,






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