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Search Bar Broken

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Somehow I have broken the search bar on the free "bootstrap" theme. This problem seems to have occured when I imported via CSV with about 700 products.

Now, for the last 3 days I have tried:

1. Rebuilding the search index 

2. Removing all created products / categories and reimporting the CSV's

3. Manually inputting 3-4 products manually to test

4. Doing a fresh install and fresh DB, and importing the CSV files


Nothing seems to work, no matter what I try. I have looked through the DB and the one contsant is that the ps_search_word and the ps_search_index remain empty at all times.


I have carefully made sure when importing the CSV's that the top row matches the PS clients options.. (Category - Category x,y,z / Name - Name  / Active - Active 0/1 / ect,ect)


I have tested "forcing the ID's) and have attempted not forcing.. nothing is working.



Is there a fix to this weird issue, or am I stuck rebuilding the index manually?


Any insight will help.. not much of an E-commerce website if I don't have a basic search function!


Thanks all!




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