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Home Page Images

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Hello Vekia!


Thank you for your answer on my previous question.


Need help on another thing.

On my website home page (SHOP) www.shoppiz.in, I have added Images and these images are linked to Amazon.

I have seen lots of websites, when we just bring the mouse on the image , the image automatically zooms, or for some website instead of ZOOM the image fades. (i would like to enable the ZOOM)


How can I be able to enable this on my website.


Thank you again for all the support from you guys.

You guys are doing an excellent.


hey dont forget to click google adds :D/


Awaiting a reply on this one.



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use this:

#htmlcontent_home li {
#htmlcontent_home li:hover img {
    -webkit-transition: all 1s ease; /* Safari and Chrome */
    -moz-transition: all 1s ease; /* Firefox */
    -ms-transition: all 1s ease; /* IE 9 */
    -o-transition: all 1s ease; /* Opera */
    transition: all 1s ease;
   -webkit-transform:scale(1.25); /* Safari and Chrome */
    -moz-transform:scale(1.25); /* Firefox */
    -ms-transform:scale(1.25); /* IE 9 */
    -o-transform:scale(1.25); /* Opera */
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