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Test version on a localhost


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Hi all Pretas

I have installed Wamp to have a test version running localy
also from where I can develop the final design for my shop.

Then I will overwrite the excisting data on my official web shop when the test version is ready.

I am just not sure if it would be a good idea to name the database exactly as the one on my host from the beginning?
or will it be okay to change the db.name later via the database settings in the back office on my hosted version after the back-up from the local/test version?

Or will that f... everything up - Paths and stuff inside the shop????

What to do???

Wishing you all the best


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I'm not sure what you mean
I just exported the database on my local PC install using PHPmyAdmin
I then went to my webhost install and again, using PHPmyAdmin, I imported the database file
One thing is that I was unable to login though. I had to request a new password

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