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Adding fields to backoffice product page

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I would like to enable my module to add some fields (of input type) in the backoffice product page. These fields will be used to retrieve/send data from/to database table. In prestashop 1.5 I've done this as follows:


In the main module file (modulename.php) I had function hookdisplayBackOfficeHeader($params) where I received data from DB and packed them to an array like this: $this->smarty->assign(array( data comes here ));


The function called template file like that: return $this->display(__FILE__,'template_file.tpl');


In the template file I had:


<script type="text/javascript">
        $("#product_form #product-tab-content-Informations table:eq(0) tr:eq(0)").after(""

and then some html to dislpay the fields.


It was working perfectly in PS 1.5, but in PS 1.6 it doesn't.


What shall I do to make my module working the way I like to (displaying the fields in BO)?


I can of course modify BO template file by hand, but I don't want to the job this way.


Any help appreciated.

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