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3rd party image url

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Hi, I have dropshipper csv file that I uploaded and all is fine except my images are not showing up.  The csv file from the dropshipper contains urls to their images.  I do not have them stored on my server.  Soes prestashop not allow the ability to direct the images to a third party such as my dropshippers images?  I have thousands of images and can't possibly download them all to my images folder.  Is there a file I need to change to direct them to a third party url?


When I import my csv file, after import it advises me that there was an error uploading the image.  I checked the dropshipper's image url and they seem fine.

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Yes, you should be able to import images directly from any URL. What is the complete URL for the image URL you checked and it worked. Is this exactly the same as the URL in the file?  (HTTPS or HTTP is the same in both cases?)


For testing purposes you should create a test CSV with only one product. It's a lot faster when you are trying various things to get the import to work.

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