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Cant search for a product with only 2 letters.

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Recommended: documentation about the search feature can be found http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS16/Search+Preferences


1. go to Backoffice

2. in the left menu hover over "Preferences"

3. Click on "Search"

4. scroll to the middle of the page


You will see something like : "Minimum word length (in characters)" change it to a lower value if you want to start search from less then 3 (standard value)

also make sure your word is not on the "Blacklisted words" if so remove it.

I have done this but it´s not working!

try Here http://shop.balochfest.se/ search for ED

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According to my findings there is a .js file triggering a minimum of 3 charachters for your search box.

Take a look at the following code:

document.getElementById("first-languages").style.display="none";});});;$('document').ready(function(){$("#search_query_top").autocomplete('http://shop.balochfest.se/en/search',{minChars:3,max:10,width:500,selectFirst:false,scroll:false,dataType:"json",formatItem:function(data,i,max,value,term){return value;},parse:function(data){var mytab=new Array();for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++)

the minChars right behind http://shop.balochfest.se/en/search is which I think has something to do with your minimum of three character. This is not placed in a certain file.

As a matter of fact, according to my Firefox Mozilla developer tool you can find this file in http://shop.balochfest.se/en/ so I guess this Script has been placed inside your footer or header.

Maybe take a look over there, it is right below your PayPal script. Hope this helps you.


Cheers, Henk.

Edited by helldog2004 (see edit history)
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According to my findings there is a .js file triggering a minimum of 3 charachters for your search box.

Take a look at the following code:

document.getElementById("first-languages").style.display="none";});});;$('document').ready(function(){$("#search_query_top").autocomplete('http://shop.balochfest.se/en/search',{minChars:3,max:10,width:500,selectFirst:false,scroll:false,dataType:"json",formatItem:function(data,i,max,value,term){return value;},parse:function(data){var mytab=new Array();for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++)
the minChars right behind http://shop.balochfest.se/en/search is which I think has something to do with your minimum of three character. This is not placed in a certain file.

As a matter of fact, according to my Firefox Mozilla developer tool you can find this file in http://shop.balochfest.se/en/ so I guess this Script has been placed inside your footer or header.

Maybe take a look over there, it is right below your PayPal script. Hope this helps you.


Cheers, Henk.




I have not changed the shop Moore the Change the theme on the shop.

How come that i cant change it from back office?


Cant find any http://shop.balochfest.se/en in my ftp at all!

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Take a look at the .js files inside the root/js folder. There is probably one .js file triggering this action.

Else, take a look in the header or footer file inside your themes folder.


If you can not figure it out, you can send me FTP information to my PM folder.

If ofcourse you want this.




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