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Fatal error: --> Smarty: unable to write file

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Hello, I just installed PrestaShop on my school's server for a class project we have, and I get the following error :


Fatal error: Uncaugt --> Smarty: Unable to write file E:\Sites_web\devintra.cpln.ch\entre3a\CMS/cache/smarty/compile\01\.....  <-- thrown in E:\Sites_web\devintra.cpln.ch\entre3a\CMS\tools\smarty\sysplugins\smarty_internal_write_file.php on line 46


Using PrestaShop 1.6


Feel free to ask for more information if it is needed. 


Thanks in advance and have a good day.



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Hi, I got the same problems. But change a chmod on 755 on cache folder & subfolders doesn't work. New files are maked with chmod 666. When I clear the caches folder and refresh a page, subfolders have a chmod 771. I have only smartys folder in cache (I turn off a cache in administration panel). Can someone help me with that? Thanks in advance.


EDIT: Already something've done with my FTP/server, now even I clear a cache I have a blind page. Earlier when I clean a cache, first page was turn on, but when i refresh - blind page. Now even after clearing the cache I have white background only. I don't know what I done wrong. I didn't changed something on FTP.

Edited by Zurdominik (see edit history)
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  • 11 months later...

Prestashop version


Hosting information below :

PHP version 5.5.30

PHP memory 128mb

APCu enabled

OPcache enabled

SSD 5GB webspace

Database 500mb

Webhosting from Belgium ( Combell )




I get the same error in logfile after I clean cache from backoffice and trying to access the store again or refresh the homepage in a browser. ( I try into Chrome, Mozilla same error ).


The homepage error 500 dissapears after I try to refresh or access the store again. If I am in dev mode it displays indeed the same error that i see in the logfile.


I still cannot fix it and I really don't know why and how. Maybe is a hosting related problem (not sure) but I would like to hear your opinion. I didn't speak yet with my hosting provider.


I also try : cleaning cache, open multiple tabs into chrome and mozilla and trying to access the store again.

Surprise, I get ERROR 500 only on 1-2 tabs, the rest of my tabs are open normally (error free).


My store is ready to get live but actually I'm afraid about this error because when I will try to clean cache again, maybe all my customers will get error 500 for first time when they are trying to access my store.


I tried to chmod 777 all cache folders-subfolders in fillezilla and files 666.

Then I changed also into Smarty.class.php all new folders/subfolders to be created with chmod 777 (from 755) and files with 666 (from 644).

cache->smarty->cache & compile folders & subfolders are set to 777 and files to 666.


No success... the same error occurs again


Logfile ->

[client 178.*.*.*:49826] AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught  --> Smarty: unable to write file /data/sites/web/mystore/www/cache/smarty/cache/iqitproducttags/1/1/3/5/fe/70/65/wrt568bcbef013f44_30623794 <-- \n  thrown in /data/sites/web/mystore/www/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_write_file.php on line 46\n', referer: http://www.mystore.com/

My store is error free in dev mode, this happens only when I clean cache.

There are also no errors into configuration information.


Do you have any idea? Is this a hosting related problem that I cannot solve by myself ?


Thank you in advance.

Edited by Alex Nicolas (see edit history)
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  • 9 months later...

Just did a manual flush/delete of the cache folders through FTP (all content eccept index.php)


Afterwards all the new cache folders are now permission 771, and not as before (default) 755.


Can others confirm this is normal/correct behaviour?


If I manually create a folder inside the cache folder it will be 755, so serverside is correct. So it must be the PS cache code overriding this to 771?

Edited by kmorgen (see edit history)
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