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Multi language title for homepage

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Thanks, El Patron!

Tried this option, but it's not work for me. Check this:


I have edit "index.php" (SEO&URL) and change the meta-tags for the homepage (different homepage titles for Russian and Ukrainian languages, as you see on picture above)

But title is still only on Russian for both language. I don't know what to do anymore. 

Edited by loliloli (see edit history)
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sorry there is old joke, if you know three languages your are tri-lingual, two you are bi lingual, one you are an American. :)


I looked carefully (mind you oldest mod on the forum) and I see page title is different, please correct me if I am wrong.


So the issue is that when you visit the front office and change languages the page title does not change when Ukrainian language is selected?  If so can you provide front office url?  And what is your PS version?

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I apologize, I am traveling for the next three weeks, been on the roads for last 7 weeks...ave maria..

Though I can say at this point, after testing I don't have same issue.  

look at the default theme (should be in your shop) and check that your header.tpl file builds the title the same.  I will try to check back when possible.


Kind regards, el

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