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log out stopped working


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So it looks like something was change it your code that broke the logout process (duh!).

It is most likely in /init.php

Do you have the following code in it (around like #30)

if (isset($_GET['logout']) OR ($cookie->logged AND Customer::isBanned(intval($cookie->id_customer))))
   Tools::redirect(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : NULL);
elseif (isset($_GET['mylogout']))
   Tools::redirect(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : NULL);

If you do, then I may need to take a closer look at your code to figure out what is breaking it.

If you don't that try to add it under the following line (which should be around line 30 too)

define('_USER_ID_LANG_', intval($cookie->id_lang));

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The code in my init.php looks completely different (im still running the previous version of presta)


if (!isset($smarty))

/* Theme is missing or maintenance */
if (!is_dir(dirname(__FILE__).'/themes/'._THEME_NAME_))
   die(Tools::displayError('Current theme unavailable. Please check your theme directory name and permissions.'));
elseif (basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) != 'disabled.php' AND !intval(Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_ENABLE')))
   $maintenance = true;

global $cart, $cookie, $_CONF, $link;

/* get page name to display it in body id */
$pathinfo = pathinfo(__FILE__);
$page_name = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '.'.$pathinfo['extension']);
$page_name = (ereg('^[0-9]', $page_name)) ? 'page_'.$page_name : $page_name;

$cookie = new Cookie('ps');
/* attribute id_lang is often needed, so we create a constant for performance reasons */
define('_USER_ID_LANG_', intval($cookie->id_lang));

if (isset($_GET['logout']) OR ($cookie->logged AND Customer::isBanned(intval($cookie->id_customer))))
   Tools::redirect(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : NULL);
elseif (isset($_GET['mylogout']))
   Tools::redirect(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : NULL);

$iso = strtolower(Language::getIsoById($cookie->id_lang ? intval($cookie->id_lang) : 1));
$_MODULES = array();

$currency = Tools::setCurrency();

if (is_numeric($cookie->id_cart))
   $cart = new Cart(intval($cookie->id_cart));
   $cart->id_lang = intval($cookie->id_lang);
   if ($cart->OrderExists())
       unset($cookie->id_cart, $cart);
       if ($cookie->id_customer)
           $cart->id_customer = intval($cookie->id_customer);
       $cart->id_currency = intval($cookie->id_currency);

if (!isset($cart) OR !$cart->id)
   $cart = new Cart();
   $cart->id_lang = intval($cookie->id_lang);
   $cart->id_currency = intval($cookie->id_currency);
   if ($cookie->id_customer)
       $cart->id_customer = intval($cookie->id_customer);
if (!$cart->nbProducts())
   $cart->id_carrier = NULL;

$ps_language = new Language(intval($cookie->id_lang));
setlocale(LC_TIME, strtolower($ps_language->iso_code).'_'.strtoupper($ps_language->iso_code).'@euro', 
strtolower($ps_language->iso_code).'_'.strtoupper($ps_language->iso_code), strtolower($ps_language->iso_code));

if (is_object($currency))
   $smarty->ps_currency = $currency;
if (is_object($ps_language))
   $smarty->ps_language = $ps_language;

$smarty->register_function('dateFormat', array('Tools', 'dateFormat'));
$smarty->register_function('productPrice', array('Product', 'productPrice'));
$smarty->register_function('convertPrice', array('Product', 'convertPrice'));
$smarty->register_function('convertPriceWithoutDisplay', array('Product', 'productPriceWithoutDisplay'));
$smarty->register_function('convertPriceWithCurrency', array('Product', 'convertPriceWithCurrency'));
$smarty->register_function('displayWtPrice', array('Product', 'displayWtPrice'));
$smarty->register_function('displayWtPriceWithCurrency', array('Product', 'displayWtPriceWithCurrency'));
$smarty->register_function('displayPrice', array('Tools', 'displayPriceSmarty'));

$smarty->assign('request_uri', Tools::safeOutput(urldecode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])));

/* Breadcrumb */
$navigationPipe = (Configuration::get('PS_NAVIGATION_PIPE') ? Configuration::get('PS_NAVIGATION_PIPE') : '>');
$smarty->assign('navigationPipe', $navigationPipe);

$protocol = (isset($useSSL) AND $useSSL AND Configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED')) ? 'https://' : 'http://';

   'base_dir' => __PS_BASE_URI__,
   'base_dir_ssl' => (Configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED') ? 'https://' : 'http://').htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8').__PS_BASE_URI__,
   /* If the current page need SSL encryption and the shop allow it, then active it */
   'protocol' => $protocol,
   'img_ps_dir' => _PS_IMG_,
   'img_cat_dir' => _THEME_CAT_DIR_,
   'img_lang_dir' => _THEME_LANG_DIR_,
   'img_prod_dir' => _THEME_PROD_DIR_,
   'img_manu_dir' => _THEME_MANU_DIR_,
   'img_sup_dir' => _THEME_SUP_DIR_,
   'img_ship_dir' => _THEME_SHIP_DIR_,
   'img_col_dir' => _THEME_COL_DIR_,
   'img_dir' => _THEME_IMG_DIR_,
   'css_dir' => _THEME_CSS_DIR_,
   'js_dir' => _THEME_JS_DIR_,
   'tpl_dir' => _PS_THEME_DIR_,
   'modules_dir' => _MODULE_DIR_,
   'mail_dir' => _MAIL_DIR_,
   'pic_dir' => _THEME_PROD_PIC_DIR_,
   'lang_iso' => $ps_language->iso_code,
   'come_from' => 'http://'.htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8').htmlentities($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']),
   'shop_name' => Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_NAME'),
   'cart_qties' => intval($cart->nbProducts()),
   'cart' => $cart,
   'currencies' => Currency::getCurrencies(),
   'id_currency_cookie' => intval($currency->id),
   'currency' => $currency,
   'languages' => Language::getLanguages(),
   'logged' => $cookie->isLogged(),
   'page_name' => $page_name,
   'customerName' => ($cookie->logged ? $cookie->customer_firstname.' '.$cookie->customer_lastname : false)));

thanks Tomerg

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Hello I am french and i don't speak english very well. So I just find the bug of the white screen logout.

You need to go to: root/modules/bolckuserinfo/blockuserinfo.tpl open the file with notepad++ and change (line 6) index.php?mylogout by my-account.php?mylogout

Sorry for my very bad english


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, I tried so: blockuserinfo.tpl open the file with notepad++ and change (line 6) index.php?mylogout by my-account.php?mylogout

but after refreshing and cleaning cache I always get the same link to .../index.php?mylogout
What I need is ../botiga.php?mylogout

Any idea? MANY THANKS!

Hello I am french and i don't speak english very well. So I just find the bug of the white screen logout.

You need to go to: root/modules/bolckuserinfo/blockuserinfo.tpl open the file with notepad++ and change (line 6) index.php?mylogout by my-account.php?mylogout

Sorry for my very bad english

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  • 2 years later...

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