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How do you do this ?

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Adding newsletter, link and info block into footer horizontal is something I have been trying for many many days with no result.

It was easy to find topic about how to add or make hook in footer for this modules but still I can get them to stay
horizontal ?

'Pleace notice that the Image is NOT from my website. It is like I want my website footer to be but not like it is now

Any advice ?


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Use float: left on the blocks you want to align horizontaly.
Say, in your footer (that has an id of "footer") you have newsletter block (id = "block_newsletter"), links block (id="links"), etc. (look those ids up in corresponding modules' folders)
Then in your global.css file:

#footer #block_newsletter, #footer #links {
   float: left;

And then specific settings for each block:

/* Will be applied to #block_newsletter contained within footer div */
#footer #block_newsletter {
   width: 200px;

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