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PayPal - Not Updating Presta Order - Help

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Customer orders items...

Uses Checkout on the Cart
Selects Paypal and completes the order on Paypal (Paypal shows all items, correct currency, etc.) no problems here at all.

Once processed through Paypal there is a Return button... When the customer presses this button they are returned to my website Order page but it does not show the order just processed and the shopping cart still has the items in it.

If I go into admin I do not see the order either.

I do get the email from Paypal showing what was ordered, etc... so I can fulfill the order but something is drastically wrong and I have tried for hours to get it fixed and just don't know what else to try.

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Well, please do not try on real paypal account, or you will also write such posts later :
Create a sandbox account and test. And when you run your shop SAVE ALL possible documents, not to give paypal a chance to appropriate your money like they did with my.

Just my opinion. And i want to ask developers : do you have a payment module for AlterPay.com?

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@billiam: did it work before but doesn't now? If so then check that your paypal account automatically accepts and converts payments made in other currencies, and also check that the payment isn't an eCheck or something. The standard PayPal module is very fussy.

The other possibility is that your store just hasn't (but may have by now) received the IPN for that transaction from Paypal.

I have a Paypal module available that can help diagnose such problems, but I hesitate to suggest it right now as I'm working on an improved version.

Good luck!


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  • 2 weeks later...

I just ran into this EXACT problem today.
Orders made, paypal accepts and shows orders, but orders not showing in store???

This may help, Here is an email from a customer that this issue happened with
"Message: Excuse Me I place my order everytime and pay with pay pal and It says I do not have orders placed? Whats going on here. "

It appears even the customer see a problem as well.

Anybody have any clue??

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Other Posts by store owners having the Exact same problem.

There are LOTS more, cant read some of them due to the language.
Has ANYONE resolved this issue?

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Have you installed any mods lately?

@billiam: did it work before but doesn't now? If so then check that your paypal account automatically accepts and converts payments made in other currencies, and also check that the payment isn't an eCheck or something. The standard PayPal module is very fussy.

The other possibility is that your store just hasn't (but may have by now) received the IPN for that transaction from Paypal.

I have a Paypal module available that can help diagnose such problems, but I hesitate to suggest it right now as I'm working on an improved version.

Good luck!

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Hey guys, i'm experiencing this problem right now. Latest Prestashop release.
I test using Xampp in localhost, made a paypal account (sandbox), and everytime the payment is made, when i click "return site". Orders doesn't appear. Anyone solved this problem?

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I tried to reproduce the problem in live mode, and was unable to.

Here are my findings.

Whenever a transaction takes place on paypal, their server contacts your local server to report the outcome of it.

A file called validation.php (in /modules/payapl/) gets called, and if it receives a response code of "Confirmed", than a new order gets generated on your site.

If any other code is returned, then no order gets generated, and there is no notification to the shop owner.

When running in sandbox mode, the response code is always "pending" so no order gets created.

I suspect that when this happens in live mode, a similar thing happens (a different response code is returned).

The best solution that i can come up with for now is to modify the code to send the shop owner an email when that happens, so at least you will know something wen wrong with a transaction.

That email will also contain the response from paypal, so hopefully we'll be able to know why it is happening.

I will post a little "how to" for this, and also how to change the code so orders in Sandbox mode will go throught.

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I have created a page with the information I found about this problem, since it has the formating / colors to make it easier to read, I'm just going to post a link (so I don't have to do it twice....)


Make sure to use the English version.

Hi. I still experienced the same problem in sandbox mode after I changed validation.php. Still "You have not placed any orders" error appeared. How can I solve this problem?
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I have created a page with the information I found about this problem, since it has the formating / colors to make it easier to read, I'm just going to post a link (so I don't have to do it twice....)


Make sure to use the English version.

Hi. I still experienced the same problem in sandbox mode after I changed validation.php. Still "You have not placed any orders" error appeared. How can I solve this problem?

Try to add the mail() line, if you don't get an email back, try placing that line at the top of the file.

If you still don't get an email, than there is a problem that prevents the paypal server from contacting your server.
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ok..after hours and hours I made some progress:

- On my paypal account - I removed the paypal notification
- for the status "Payment accepted", the one assigned after the order as been recorded in Paypal, I re-checked the checkbox "Allow customer to download and view PDF version of invoice".
- now the order is in the shop and shown in the "stats" on the index page.
If I uncheck it, then the STATS shows zero orders....(which is to me another bug also now in 1.2.5 since in 1.1 the order was recorded fine.)

Hopefully that will unlock someone and the prestateam will look into that

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  • 3 months later...

Hi All

I need this manual intervention tool to. My version 1.2.4 is doing the same and is hit and miss. This is clearly no good for a business who doesn't want errors.
Would move to 1.3.10, however threads appearing to suggest this still has problems
Any advice to help me fix is really welcome


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  • 8 months later...
Now is there a module that would allow me to create the missing order in prestashop manually ?

I have free modification of AdminCarts the will help you recover the order in just one click.
You can get it here http://addons-modules.com/

And also I have some information to share with you guys
If you have not enabled IPN at your paypal account, I suggest to enable. Why, please see following post

When customer finished payment and returned to your store, got an error "no order placed" and cart is still there. For this end, please read this post, you will understand why and how it happens.


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